UX Leaders from all around the world showed up to lead their organization with a strategic UX Vision. Every day we enjoyed awesome discussions on how to completely transform the way organizations define successful experiences. We know that not everyone had the resources to join us live. That’s ok. You can purchase the Craft + Lead A Strategic UX Vision Video Series.
Increase the UX team’s contribution, influence, and value. A strategic UX Vision wins you influence across your organization. Use that influence to win over your executives and senior stakeholders to become strong champions for better-designed products and services.
Jared Spool leads emerging UX leaders through a comprehensive exploration to influence product roadmaps and define your organization’s direction. Use newly refined persuasive storytelling skills to offer a clear, human-centered plan for how your organization will improve people’s lives.
Each episode of our Strategic UX Vision Video Series leads you to make work meaningful again for you, your team, and everyone involved in building great products. Your Strategic UX Vision will clarify how better UX benefits your organization and why it’s an essential path to success.
Here are the six essential recorded sessions and their notes...
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Many of you let us know you wanted to enjoy the three sessions from our Prepare to Lead A Strategic UX Vision program. We’re happy to say you can catch the recordings and notes from those three sessions in this Essentials Video Series.
Gain confidence with tailored coaching to:
Purchase our Prepare to Lead A Strategic UX Vision Video Series for a deeper level of insight and understanding.
90-Days of Access